University Reform: BIBLIOTAACA
For one reason or another I recently came across a treacherous job category in which I have always ignored the existence and sadistic clerks libraries. These dusty
beings conduct their day-lit neon and the smell of moth, which obviously has drawbacks crazy and the impact on mental health and mental health to be able to receive disability allowance for life.
it possible that every time I devoted to Inca **** king??
This time I caught a young chick, "oh this will be more awake," I thought, "and then a t-shirt with darkettona NOT WITHOUT CAMPARI NEGRONI There is already promising."
Sorry I need this book -
Ah no more c'รจร (with A open to Martina Stella)
But what is not there? if do not even try, instead of writing on Facebook while you talk, you know that is not there? -
aspatta Allara Ah ha ... finasco I look at the fate of Halloween and we'll Ciarcia. Mmmmm .... no, not EAA. Travo not -
but is on loan? -
boh - boh
like? Oh well then give me this one from -
aspatta eh you call the other guy that I have a massage on scravere feisssbuc a friend of mine. Ah is eaten, however, can not we have the books in Prast perk Computar broken. -
Ok, I make photocopies and we'll carry -
bane be, but check out the macchinatta cards to make fatocapie is broken. -
Ah well, ok, I do pay by the card from someone and make photocopies. -
Ah, but not resave cmq malt parquet fatacapiatrice not running well. -
Mmmm .... good I realized then today I try only the books on your computer, then when you decide to call a technical review . -
Ops ... (White screen on all computers)
I guess I fell the pure Sarver Adassa, succiada fun .. you come back later.
not running a fucking totally abandons bibliotaca only feissbuc banissimo to be lucky! -
Ok thanks, dear, was a pleasure to lose 4 hours of your life behind the smokey eyes and your photos of Halloween, I will mention in the thanks of the thesis :)..... 'm going to get a coffee that is better. -
Anyway st'ai eh actants that macchinatta coffee scrubs balances iiii!!