Friday, March 11, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Make Your Own Belt Online
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Walk In Clinic To Get Birth Control?
The last time I spoke to what was brilliant despite its size, was when I told of my adventure at the reception of a campsite.
At that, of course, but many others followed, however, I feel compelled to make a sort of selection.
Today it's BRILLIANT to my adventure in the tourist industry and / or travel agencies. I use the plural because in fact, even changing three, with the fate of the people she met was not the best. Before
sophomore year. I was already quite aware of my potential but I did not know what in fact was brilliant. I offered volunteer in a land where the volunteer is the norm. Not because they are all selfless, generous and extremely civil (as I like to believe in a population for which whenever it is asked to list their own fault says: "My only fault is that they are too good!"), But simply because the contract with or without, for a trial period or permanently, with a part-time, full-time or simply "just cash" (whose color is black and often impossible to obtain a paper copy), who are on the side of stronger will tend to require some form of voluntary service to you (and only you) to support the market launch of a "young company "founded at least five years before.
To make my idea a little 'clearer, I think it is fair to give some examples.
Suppose you have been offered a contract "just cash" in a sphere where time is said to parallel but invisible after a trial period of two to three months, you'll be taken indefinitely.
In the temporal dimension, which seems to work as virtual, but highly trained labor consultants (often, apparently, they do pay taxes but are careful not to pay them), also seems to be official that we have undertaken to demonstrate a good amount of flexibility.
"flexibility" to Palermo (and I am sure in many other cities) is the equivalent of a sword of Damocles over his head and a bed of nails on the seat of your chair. Whatever your motion, the only thing certain is that its effects will impact negatively on you and positively on the company.
Anyway, back to my experiences. One of the first owners of the agency, after making me fill out stacks of tickets (electronic ones already there but apparently it was expected that with the money saved to my salary could buy the virtual machine) used to say: "Claudia, to make good "So it was that between a" make good "and another step months until, one day, I came to the conclusion: there must be a tic.
The "well made" that made me opt for a return exclusively to the study was delivered on the occasion of the delivery of a famous literary prize .. Until that day I had dealt with some tickets and vouchers for the hotels ... but here's the check all'improvisso FAIRY Job. Appeared in a second and with her magic wand in a multicolour glitter of stars, he pointed to a car. Something had gone wrong in the plan A, and then the owner was forced to opt for Plan B.
One of the participants was the most famous cultural event nicely forgotten at the airport. It was thus that by "Claudia front-desk" was quickly transformed into "Claudia driver" and follow the stars sbrilluccichio of the Job Fairy, mischievous prankster and he continued to tell me, I came to the car ... my car! My car with MY GASOLINE ...
the airport lights, decorated the customer, of course, expressed surprise that you are the champion in front of an erotic dream of many a driver ... ... so tiny, but fascinating. During the trip we talked about many things ranging from literature and urbanism of the city, "lots of Palermo" and could not do sometimes unless you tell me how it was affected by my being BRILLIANT.
arrived at his hotel (the same who a few years later, he was the setting for my wedding night) and get out of the car: to get him, to greet me. I already know what they expect to read many of you but I warn you now that the reality will disappoint you.
The scene was this: I and the gentleman next to each other to establish a trunk open, full of suitcases. I asked rhetorically if he was silent and waiting for the tirassi out of there and, being extremely bright, not even expected that the goblins of my fantasy I would respond. I pulled out the suitcases. New
break. New silence. Same silent rhetorical question. Same answer. I arrived at the reception, I put the suitcases. I stretched out my hand to take leave politely by the illustrious character and looking into his eyes I saw a smile Compaci. The palms of our hands could not join perfectly. Something hindered the contact between our skins. Nooooooo! The manciiiaaaaa! He was giving me ten thousand francs a tip for being the brightest of the drivers he had ever met ... Ten thousand pounds: my net salary after three months of forced volunteering, stacks of tickets and seimilioni to "make a good" given that extreme lightness of being with which they manage to have only the instructors' training autogenous "to the course pre-natal and assholes.
At least, I thought, I could see in his face for the first time my dear, dear FAIRY OF THE ASS!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Brahmopadesham Or Upanayanam Invitation
For those who do not remember or do not know, the blog was founded in 2007 with a predominantly therapeutic intent. Instead of going to a psychologist or, worse yet, from a guy, I decided to write real news stories about my troubled passage on the ground before returning to their homeland where they were all waiting for the sprites of my imagination.
remember when the mission (total immersion in the customs and practices of human beings often devoted to strange activity) began, my mini-supervisors opted for an island which, I discovered over time, although part of a country called Italy, enjoyed a certain independence, which, in turn, flowed into worrying trends such as bizarre.
discovered one day that, for example, the Italian television station had even been inspired by it to create a "reality" called "The Island of the Famous".
For those of reality were known, it must be said to be fair it difficult for the "reality" could overcome the "reality" (forgive the pun, but unfortunately many years of cohabitation ended up at the alter my own cognitive processes and linguistic).
The "reality". My adoptive island was and is true, unquestionable, unchallengeable "Island of the Famous". I think I already see some of the indigenous goblins with the index up ready to make a list of names of famous people who helped make this country known worldwide. That sounds just to hear those little voices shrill and fairs to pronounce names quail Pirandello, Anchises, Camilleri, Verga, Federico II or Goethe.
I noticed in this sense that, for some of these goblins, the mere mention of these names cover with a golden mantle all the dust (I find no better word than this) that in years, centuries, covered everything, has crept jam about doing the simplest of gear, including neurons obese due to inactivity and the dose of news caramelized swallow, those of the quail they see and pretend not to see, hear, and they pretend not to hear them thinking about the matter personally.
is immediately clear that I do not doubt the importance or the cultural-historical greatness of the names mentioned above.
is equally clear that I question the objectivity of those with extreme lightness think that the only quote you activate the button of the shield proton across the island.
are others, many others, the names that made and make it famous this land of "Art, Sea, Sun and Culture."
The list could be endless and without wishing to be disrespectful to anybody, I would just mention a few names: Peppino Impastato, Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, Mauro Rostagno.
After the last name I decided to put a full stop and start a new line for my dignity and my conscience m'impongono also put a physical distance between these names and others that I am going to quote right ... not to say that I do not give room for all. I do not say "in part" because they are part and how!
So, we said: "Island of the Famous." There
Totò Cuffaro (at the moment engaged in a mission out of the office), Bernardo Provenzano, Toto Riina and Don Vito Corleone (for many who live overseas issue of the real person. The last time I often found myself explaining that this is a fictional character and, above all , the reality goes far beyond the description of a fact, a phenomenon, a modus vivendi and pensandi that "The Godfather" has made it all romantically acceptable).
Chooridar Pajama Cutting
A child thinks that whenever you explain something that depends on the fact that a child is, where we imagine a creature with a child by an adult independent . (To understand adult looking for one that is better developed, in other words "at best", because otherwise we then going with your child about how he became the above and why).
A stranger in a foreign land might think, and often does, the same thing that keeps repeating the child who struggles to overcome his frustration. Why? Why would a person open to new and different is often said that perhaps the first to react in any direction, should at least try to understand why things due gratitude that this would seem to be the host country and all its inhabitants.
But how things really are?
specialized studies, the existence of which I know only show that any individual evolved and have a wealth of different resources, demonstrate a strong tendency to make available to those who do not have tools or has few, their own.
Most believe that this trend is to identify with the term "generosity" or, as less widely known but equally of "magnanimity".
With the eyes of many, the lady who cares to take a small mendicant, despite the numerous offspring, then it will certainly be "magnanimous".
Let's pretend that researchers at the University of Kickapoo, motivated by a desire to support their thesis, and with the ambition of a new publication on "Psychologies Magazine", will bear the good and generous lady, who to imagine a better present as Sveva Olivieri Doctors, for an interview. The aim is to understand cognitive processes such as development and therefore lead to the production of free love and generosity, "what you do not want anything in return." (BTW The definitions used here to make content object of study at the University of Kickapoo are made with good-natured words of common sense, that science could be considered erroneous).
Here is the article that you read about "Psychologies Magazine" today:
[...] Years Research lead our school to believe that the stimulus for the production of "love" is not to be found in the nervous system, but directly into the body from which life depends directly the human being: the heart.
[...] Studying love is a little 'traveling to some of the characteristics that differentiate humans from other animals, try to understand its peculiarities, its operation, its ability, and for this, perhaps, it has fascinated scholars and researchers of all ages.
Just Ficino, not to be confused with Ticino, had already said in the fifteenth century: the love moving around.
[...] The interview of the young researchers of our prestigious university, whose name I will speak, for I the Professor, and then sole beneficiary of all the merit of the studies conducted here, as confirmed on said, but especially the idea that individuals exist in nature magnanimous to ensure the survival of the species, given that individuals with few resources are available to most of the first, and then sentenced to death at birth.
Prof. Dr. Maria Andrea Lanka
I know what you're thinking the reader: it is no wonder that the University of Kickapoo is more famous than that of Cimino! !
Flying on the ability of Prof. Dr. Lanka but also to make pleasant reading of scientific texts (the joke is on the Ticino memorabileee!), To be sure that the text is immediately apparent: "the idea that individuals there are generous in nature to ensure the survival of the species. " Despite the esteem in which Professor Lanka enjoy in science alas it seems that from experiences that only a few of which I heard just me, his ideas have not established a scientific basis.
fact, what emerged on the surface of my Word page, even if true "magnanimous individuals exist in nature to ensure the survival of species" is
also undisputable that the kind that is intended to safeguard the ... (roll tamburiii )...: its kind!
In fact I am sure that young researchers have forgotten to ask if by chance Sveva did not intend to repay his care and attention on the poor woman to get right with his mother's frustration and failure out ... Certainly it is only a guess ...
not shake the world out there for what I write today, because so much is just cramped my opinion, for you I'd be worried only if what was to become a spokesman for Lady gaga: that you believe that the world!
But then? The generosity and love do not exist? The only thing in an answer I can think of is my old teacher of Psychology: "Guys all this we want to become if we practice it. The perfect pitch you say? Do not forget the genes. "
What to do with the child and his frustrations? Everything you want!
seems clear to me!
For Naaaaaarniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
(Author's note "Kickapoo" is not an invention. Here is the link that will clarify its origin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf-mA8J93Bg ).
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Can I Use Vigamox After Expiration
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Chetna And Prethivi Viedos
There are so many things I would like to talk about, that I’m not sure where to start from. The first problem is that I don’t know if I’ve already passed the state of New Comer. If it depended on me, I would tell absolutely yes. I’ve got my Canadian experience which, in plain words, means that I’ve at least on full-time contract. By the way, I’ve got also a driver’s licence and two cars. I handsomely pay a day care where my smart son is learning French through his second language that, actually, is English; while my little wild daughter has already learnt how to flush.
Actually, I had my Thanksgiving Day with the omnipresent but delicious stuffed turkey. I also experienced the art of carving big, heavy, fresh and hard pumpkins in order to make them as scaring and cools as possible to freak out the kids asking for their “tricks or treats”. Finally, even though this list could continue, I myself was with my Ninja Son and my Frozen Penguin Daughter (when I say “frozen” I literally mean it given that, notwithstanding the -1, I forgot to make her wear her gloves) on the street trying not to lose my precious kids among hundreds of spider-men, devils, angels, Peter pans, skeletons, serial killers and bloody grey vampires.
T o say the truth, it was not so easy for a person like me who used to hate any kind of costume or even anything in some way related to Carnival, to walk around among adults who pretended (my hope!) to be bloody, devilish, disgusting, paranormal beings.
But this is my new Country and if I think to get one day my citizenship, a part from the national Anthem, I need to share this kind of experiences at least once.
One of the funniest things that night happened when, thinking that the party was already done, someone knocked at the door.
I greeted the guest with my gentlest and warmest smile aware of the fact that behind it, there would be a late kid asking for his treat...
WHAT? A mini mini Death, holding a shining, shining sickle was looking for treats. At least, I thought, he was not searching for me!!!! It would have been even worse, wouldn’t it?
By the way, my reaction was weird because, while my body was trying to pick one of the last loot bag from the box, my mind and its eyes kept scanning that Mini Mini Misfortune Holder. He was perfect: a long black gown kept to the waist by a belt consisting of several Mini Mini Skulls and a Mini Mini voice barely audible through a depressing dark hood.
I had never thought, one day, I could have pronounced a sentence like “Thanks for coming!” to someone who, even only theoretically, Represents the symbol of the end of my life!
To be honest, I would know the reason why I was so quiet and relaxed. Exactly my first Halloween night occurred at the end of two weeks of nightmarish as well as surreal craziness. For Some Reason That I still ignore the week before Had Been one of the worst ever remember I Could ... But This Is Another Story ...
Friday, January 21, 2011
How To Write A Movie Sponsor Letter
Saturday, January 8, 2011
What Does Reddish Brown Thick Discharge Mean
Hello hipsters (yes you want to be)
How many of you, for months I'm looking for a new indie group from
idolize or at least listen
and I strongly believe they have found that among all, will be the winner.
but let's step back ...
do not know if everyone knows the British indie but most do not know now do better
basically, if you think about it, is not it absurd
many rock bands come from there is odd to imagine
a particularly sunny and dreamy indie
but you can just mix it with low profile that sound a bit 'dirty
typical of the punk band of the 90
the queens (they are the most prolific women) of the Californian indie phenomenon are:
Warpaint, Best Coast and Zola Jesus.
For the first there would have to do a separate post, because in my opinion are those of
will hear more in coming months if the malicious
define a recording project well packaged
I prefer to think they are good and that their look is actually the right one
if you are tired (like me) lady gaga the excesses and over-exposure of the warpaint
pop queens are exactly what you were looking
gorgeously shiny and glamorous clothes give way to vintage clothing with references to folk
but in my opinion, already a must
the group became famous after the abandonment of Shannyn Sossamon, actress in independent films, particularly remembered for her role in "The Laws of Attraction"
Sossamon, however, becomes the director of first video of Warpaint: Undertow
second place we find the Best Coast, the group heard that the other groups, among its fans are Coldplay and Paris Hilton (?) on
Look for Bethany Cosentino, frontwoman of the trio look to plead until its output will not increase
Listening is like being the Best Coast Venice Beach on a late afternoon
may seem too short, some Californian
I solved thinking they were in Hyde Park
last for many reasons, and here I unfortunately shoot Zola Jesus
zero, a now-no-more teen who took his name from Jesus (the oldest rock star in history) and Zola (writer)
what I would say is just do not listen to listen to Florence and the
Machine rather than the more or less ...
a bientot