Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Herpes Wont Go Away Medicine

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Travel Trailers With Formaldehyde

beings conduct their day-lit neon and the smell of moth, which obviously has drawbacks crazy and the impact on mental health and mental health to be able to receive disability allowance for life.
it possible that every time I devoted to Inca **** king??
This time I caught a young chick, "oh this will be more awake," I thought, "and then a t-shirt with darkettona NOT WITHOUT CAMPARI NEGRONI There is already promising."
- Sorry I need this book
- Ah no more c'èà (with A open to Martina Stella)
- But what is not there? if do not even try, instead of writing on Facebook while you talk, you know that is not there?
- aspatta Allara Ah ha ... finasco I look at the fate of Halloween and we'll Ciarcia. Mmmmm .... no, not EAA. Travo not
- but is on loan?
boh - boh like? Oh well then give me this one from
- aspatta eh you call the other guy that I have a massage on scravere feisssbuc a friend of mine. Ah is eaten, however, can not we have the books in Prast perk Computar broken.
- Ok, I make photocopies and we'll carry
- bane be, but check out the macchinatta cards to make fatocapie is broken.
- Ah well, ok, I do pay by the card from someone and make photocopies.
- Ah, but not resave cmq malt parquet fatacapiatrice not running well.
- Mmmm .... good I realized then today I try only the books on your computer, then when you decide to call a technical review .
- Ops ... (White screen on all computers) I guess I fell the pure Sarver Adassa, succiada fun .. you come back later. not running a fucking totally abandons bibliotaca only feissbuc banissimo to be lucky!
- Ok thanks, dear, was a pleasure to lose 4 hours of your life behind the smokey eyes and your photos of Halloween, I will mention in the thanks of the thesis :)..... 'm going to get a coffee that is better.
- Anyway st'ai eh actants that macchinatta coffee scrubs balances iiii!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Flatter Stomach After Gallbladder Operation

So what do you want from me? Now if you're bothered by this is not my fault, do not blame me! "
The translation of an ancient version of the Tarantella del Gargano. Too cute and too realistic. The women that if they pull it, genetically born with chromosome snob, and the ability to bungee jumping there have always been as healthy and strong men of despair. Ahhhhhhh l'amour l'amour.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Signs To Do With Disposing Sanitry Towels
contact: 0033 (0) 6 71 62 86 03
Right click to see the videos!

How Do I Use Front Camera In Nokia E71

During the 2007 Victoires de la Musique transmitted on France 2, Marco meets Philippe Jaroussky and he began a collaboration in his Ensemble Artaserse in important projects, including European tours.
In 2009, he was noticed by the contralto Nathalie Stutzmann, who invited as principal viola for collaboration within the whole Orfeo 55 for the 2010/2011 season, including a CD by Deutsche Grammophon.
In 2010 he joined the quintet Opus 5, which accompanies all the adventures of the great mezzo-soprano Jennifer Larmore.
In 2011 he was invited by Thomas Hengelbrock and Balthasar-Neumann Ensemble for a tour in Germany and England.
Agenda 2011
Orpheus 55
Sanit Michel Abbey Thiérache
Opera Vichy
Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Festival of Torroella
Festival Ambronay
Cité de la Musique, Paris
Opera de Monte Carlo
Together Artaserse
Hall of Mirrors in Versailles
Festival Auvers sur Oise
Festival Mont Saint Michel
Saint Riquier Festival
Bad Kissingen
Opera Stuttgart
Sweling Holstein
Festival Usez
Kioi Hall, Tokyo
Seinen Bunka, Sendai
Shirakawa Hall, Nagoya
Izumi Hall, Osaka
Balthesar-Neumann Ensemble
Wurzburg Opera
Festspielhaus Baden-Baden
Barbican Center, Londres
Opera Athens
Ensemble Matheus
Théâtre du Châtelet, Paris
Theatre des Champs-Elysees, Paris
Opera de Nice
Opera de Budapest
Barbican Center, Londres
Opera de Cracovie
Jennifer Larmore & Opus Five
Grand Theatre, Aix-en-Provence
Palazzetto Bru-Zane, Venice
Festival Gran Canaria, Las Palmas
Agenda 2010
Ensemble Matheus
Concertgebouw Amsterdam www.concertgebouw.nl/
Mikailovsky Theatre of St. Petersburg, Russia
Festival of Salzburg, Austria www.salzburgerfestspiele.at/
Theatre Luxembourg Christmas Oratorio, Bach
Theatre des Champs Elysees Christmas Oratorio
Theatre du Chatelet Norma V. Bellini
Cracow Philharmonic La Fida Ninfa, A. Vivaldi
; Together Artaserse
Festival Santiago de Compostela, Spain www.viastellae.es/
Music Festival of Strasbourg
Festival Atlantic Azores Portugal
Grand Theatre de Bordeaux www.opera-bordeaux.com/
Festival Musique Ancienne de Lyon www.lachapelle-lyon. org /
Farinelli at Versailles http://www.chateaudeversailles-spectacles.fr/
Barbican Center, London
Bozart Festival, Brussels
Theatre des Champs-Elysees, Paris
Ensemble Una Stella
Sinfonia en Perigord www.sinfonia-en-perigord.com/
Les nuits d’Usez www.nuitsmusicalesuzes.org /
Ensemble Risognanze
www.risognanze.it :
MiTo Festival entre Milan et de Turin, Italie www.mitosettembremusica.it/
; ; Orpheus 55
Arsenal, Metz (2.2)
Salle Gaveau, Paris (04/02)
Palau de la Musica, Valencia (20/02)
Auditorium Real Madrid (22/02)
Festival de Sable (24/08)
Bordeaux Opera (02-03/12)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Thursh And Sore Boobs
Who is deprived of one sense is a natural inclination to sharpen the other four. When night falls, we do not have vision, there are no lights, street lamps, bulbs or neon to illuminate the night. It's dark, eyes on nothing more than black, but the world is still there and you just have to feel it in other ways.
the day disappear quickly once the sun goes down and brings the heat more oppressive. Life here is not stressful but extremely tiring, especially in the physical and stomach. With the arrival of darkness external reality comes filtered through a veil of oblivion and the body is pervaded by a languid feeling of abandonment and relaxation. The decrease in the AFA now stimulates the appetite.
Whilst dining in the dim light of an oil lamp, let it sniff and taste the contents of the pot. Without seeing in detail everything that goes in your mouth can be appreciated more. Certainly the variety of ingredients leaves something 'to be desired, but the exotic spices make an original taste for the meal. And then, all they eat here primarily to eat, the dishes prepared belong to the culture of opulence.
Meanwhile, life slows down. Stimuli smaller than during the day are only a supplement to the view now become the protagonists and the mind is invaded by those sounds that do not normally the case. The ear rested traffic noise pollution is tickled by the sounds and rhythms of nature. Smoking the last cigarette and the breeze lifts a slight rustling in the leaves of baobab trees above us.
We go on the flat roof of the hut and placed a mattress on which it is sheltered from the mosquito net that will protect us leaving all'arietta free space to move and caress the skin felt the heat during the day. High increases in the range of hearing. In the courtyard next to a goat bleating, a bit further down the braying of the donkey responds. From a puddle spreads a background of frogs croaking all night. The last sound before falling asleep such as stones and the buzzing of mosquitoes captured by the thin veil pierced.
The awakening is gradual, the sun is rising, but the light is already strong, the eyes fail to open, would be dazzled. The world slowly takes shape through the ears. A rooster crows long ago but every time you feel a bit 'stronger. The extent of the donkey and goats help us remember where we are. Compared to yesterday evening there are new sounds that slowly becomes aware of half asleep. Around the hut shouting a great product from the bustle of men and boys / children leaving for the fields and women and boys / girls direct from the well with the containers balanced on their heads. Ciacole cheerfully despite the time and the long day that awaits them. A baby crying, a dog barks.
music comes from the courtyard, percussion rhythms that alternate with other deaf sounds more acute in what looks like a percussion concert. They are the guardians of the home that already in the early morning attack to grind mile circle in the middle of the clearing. Beat the long sticks rounded at the ends in the large wooden bowl filled with small seeds (thump) and raising the heavy pestle, a mortar hit the edge of the wide (round). Women of all ages, with tools of different sizes, beating a handful of flour each with his pace well synchronized with the others obtained a splendid melody for passing the hardships of daily life.
We just have to wake up at all. While the lack of having to join the rest, now the light projected into the eyes enormous efforts to a bare existence.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Hoover Detergent Alternative
BEST - "Until a generation ago, on the cliff houses were inhabited. Now we build the villages lower down, where he began the plain. "
-" Why did you move? "
- "Why are more of us, and on top there was enough room for everyone."
- "Why are so many?"
- 'Cause now you're better. "
around me I only see houses mud, sandy fields planted with millet and a well where women stand in line to collect water to drink. Who knows as it was when it was worse!
these parts is always best to book meals in advance. Coming out, 'this morning, we ordered a plate of white rice for my stomach and lamb kebabs and chips to the much more robust Joffrey.
We go back to one and we sit at a table shaded under un'incannucciata improvised. The wait.
After a while 'passing waiter.
- "Of how long do you think we eat?"
- (As if it were obvious, indeed it is, we respond without any polemical tone) "When he's ready."
- (The answer does not satisfy us, too vague) "It will be ready some time now?"
- "Well, about noon."
- "Look what is already one and a half!"
- 'Ah, ça va . "
After a quarter of 'Now comes the jelly.
WAR OF RELIGION - "Bouba, you're Muslim, Christian or animist?
- "All three, so I can celebrate the holidays of each religion,"
RECYCLING - "What use paint on the statues to make them so shiny and black?"
- "Used oil the machine."
Other travel by taxi-brousse. Start chatting to the guy sitting next to me: a great way to pass time more quickly and to alleviate the suffering caused by the fact of being in a sweat, rolled in a van iperaffollato and sitting on the spare wheel .
Ah, you're Italian-Juventus-Momo Sissoko!
even knew that the team of my city there is a player from Mali.
My partner is a Tuareg Timbuktu, sells jewelry and silver-stain persists in one place, of course. We always feel a bit 'uncomfortable in front of such insistence. I explain that they are very beautiful, that I thank him bid. You answered reducing the price by half. You tell him that it is not a question of value, but that just do not need it. Presses you with a "I will present" to make you feel even more guilty. But in the end I managed to hold on despite talk of the type "you are rich in Europe."
However, after the bargain we continue to talk a bit 'of this and that at one point when he says:
- "Now that we have become friends, give me your phone number so after you come home, we stay in touch, talk on the phone, give us news of each other and continue our friendship. And then I'll come find you and you will help me find a job in Italy. "
I am from Piedmontese and we do not we become friends, so, on two feet. But in Africa, hospitality is sacred ... My education subalpine intransigent forces me to give him the number. I know that on my return I receive a call from the Mali.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Ozone Therapy Autoimmune
The simple and complicated
Or the Other World High
Pays Dogon, Mali. A cliff about 200 km long and 150 meters high over the size sub-Saharan Sahel in the northwest-southeast direction. The sandstone rock is very sound of a live red, yellow and ocher. But the aspect that interests us most are the views and cultural rights. At the foot of the wall have alternated the two ethnic groups that have transformed the environment according to their lifestyle needs. Telem
I built houses of mud on the cracks in the top of the cliff. We climbed through the dense vegetation and thick vines at that time colonized the steep walls. They were "pygmies" or hunter-gatherers, living in symbiosis with the forest and it drew nourishment and protection from other peoples around them.
But around the thirteenth century a chain of migration from the west in the area brought a new population of farmers: the Dogon. They found a favorable environment in the region and settled there by building their mud-brick huts at the foot of the wall. They were not proficient enough to climb the rock as Telem, but they could take advantage of the position raised above the surrounding plain to dominate the area and spotting well in advance of any invasion by enemies. Their lifestyle obviously did not fit The dense vegetation so began a great work of obtaining clearing agricultural land and transforming the ecosystem in bush, as we still see today. Telem The poor were forced to migrate south along the forest in rapid retreat.
Dogon civilization could take root undisturbed along the entire cliff. Born real villages, literally leaning on the rock. Some are still inhabited, but most, in recent generations, have been moved into the flat where there is more space to accommodate rapid population growth in the population: the danger of war is now almost eliminated, even if poverty and hunger continue to devastate the existence of these (despite all) happy and carefree people. The abandoned houses, thanks to the protection from the elements offered by the cliffs, you can still visit and, indeed, are a popular tourist destination, especially after that UNESCO has made it a World Heritage Site. Higher, still emerge here and there the huts of Telem, now unattainable. The area, in addition to being a destination for migration of modern business and leisure travelers, anthropologists, geologists, volunteers and cooperating Western began to groove to a new breed: the 'homo rampicans .
At the end of the 80 strong French climber Catherine Destivelle went there to open new routes on the beautiful exotic rocks of Mali. Our guide Bouba Guindo was then a boy, tells us that he was hired to help the beautiful Catherine to carry the heavy equipment from the rock. While I say that I'm a climber (well most of my little cousin Alps), I notice that Bouba is more thoughtful. After a moment of silence, feel the urgent need to candidly express his doubts: "I was down there I looked at Catherine proceed with difficulty and effort over the wall. And I thought that if I were in his shoes I would pass a few meters to the right where it seemed much easier. "
am unarmed in front of his shiny reasoning. This is a real clash of cultures: the innocent naivete African vs. the artificial western sophistication. To explain the whole issue with completeness I should start with the ascent of Mont Ventoux, Petrarch, continue with the ascent of Mont Blanc De Saussure, then Whymper and Carrel, the last three issues of the Alps, the sixth grade, and overcoming it, the race eight thousand, Cerro Torre, Americans of Yosemite and our new morning. And still climbing, bouldering and indoor gyms. More simply explain that the purpose of Destivelle was precisely to identify and pursue the path more difficult to reach the top.
Pleased her.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Costomize Circles In Solid Mensuration Problems

Ouagadougou is a city of two wheels. Here, back in '59 was organized the first edition of the Tour du Burkina Faso (then Upper Volta) in which he participated even Fausto Coppi who contracted malaria and then death a few weeks later. And after almost fifty years later, the paved roads (few) and red sand (most) are still crossed by thousands of bicycles without brakes though, since the Campionissimo appeared scooters and popping sfumacchianti.
I find myself riding the 80cc Yamaha. Joffrey, immersed in this busy river of debris along the narrow side lane reserved for bicycles of all kinds. It is an extreme experience for those who are here for just two days, but unfortunately I have no choice. Tomorrow we leave for Mali, I have not yet seen, and Jo is busy at work all day. On a piece of paper I scribbled the outline of a plan that would lead me to the embassy; pat on the shoulder, bonne chance! and I find myself alone in an unknown African capital, on board a motorbike with three-speed oval and twisted the front wheel and with minimal bass that makes me switch off, incidentally, always when the green traffic light is coming. Those behind start honking and dodging last time. Enveloped in a cloud of black smoke try the crowds, I kick the lever, the first and do riinfilo gas just before the yellow.
followed until I reach the embassy, \u200b\u200bfilling out forms and leave the passport.
- "You must go pick it up in the 14 and 15."
In the meantime I decided to go for a stroll downtown, now I got to know the roads. Place des Cinéastes here where I've been yesterday, but on foot. I have to turn right. Yellow light! Pass the same! Policeman! Stop me!! Shit !!!!!
- "Do you know who has passed a red light?"
- '(With humble expression and guilty) I'm mortified, I did not noticed, are not here and I was focused on the way to go ... and it was still yellow. "
- 'scooter parking here. Must present a fine and the documents of the middle of the police headquarters after 15. Pay a fine of 6000 francs CFA (about 9 Euro Ed) and will be returned. "
(to myself) And now as I do?! I have not the faintest idea where the headquarters of the police, I do not have the documents of the bike, maybe even Joffrey gave them to us and still comes back 'later tonight, tomorrow we leave and do not have time to collect my passport. A mixed feeling of despair and panic leads me to curse fate. But how the hell is this possible? On the streets Ouaga of moving scooters with four people on board, car held together by welds clear improvised offset vans loaded with people. And I seize the vehicle because I went with the yellow? In Africa?
- "Excuse me, but I could not pay the fine directly to you? You know, are Ouaga for two days, do not know where the headquarters of the police ... "
-" Ce n'est pas possible . "
I even found the incorruptible cop! In Africa!
- "Please, my friend's scooter is my host, he is at work and I can not contact, tomorrow we leave for a long trip, I gotta go pick up my passport to the embassy of Mali. If I pay the fine now, she lets me shoot and ends here! What do you say? "
-" If you pay the fine to me, I can not issue a receipt. "
What the fuck do I care of the receipt, I need the bike! (I think only)
- "Look for me a receipt is not a problem, you think that in Italy never ask your sales receipt."
- "Okay, give me money too, avec discrétion ."
turned the corner, so as not to attract attention and pull out your wallet. I only have one ticket from 10,000 francs, but fortunately there is a boy who sells cigarettes, buy the Excellence, the most expensive. Rightly has the rest, it's like if you enter a tobacconist with a 500 euro note. Parties to seek and disappeared with my money ... but soon returns with smaller bills and a handful of coins. It took a little exception to Murphy's Law. Pago
the cop and I'm shaky and it seems wrong with the wheel drunk and agitation that makes me tremble in his arms.
I bribed a cop honest?
Monday, September 1, 2008
Milena Velba Pfoto 2011
are closed at this torpedo of metal. We'll soon be fired at 10,000 meters, where there are at least 50 degrees below zero. The air we breath makes me uneasy: it Cold, dry, aseptic condition. I am troubled by the lack of smells and moods. Until a few hours ago, with every breath of his nostrils swelled flavors, tastes, dust and dirt. But now I was used, it does not bother me at all: it was the normal order of things.
He sat next to me a strange one. It is a white man, about forty, fat and ugly fluorescent yellow shirt. The beard, stinks to be sick, sour spices ... But what the hell has eaten? Until a few moments ago I thought about how I was now accustomed to the different scents perceived in Africa for three weeks and now I am deeply disgusted by my "brother" white perilous. In the last Instead of sventolona row sits a black, all dressed up, dressed in Western course. It arrived with him, will stay together. What courage! Will love or who knows what form of subjection? This particular type of encounter between cultures would have gladly done without. Last experience before returning to my world.
mice in the nooks of cities collect the waste products from the largest concentration of humans. The land is covered by large ants that move in long neat rows, dragging giant cockroaches leaving a trail in the grains, termites build their high sand castles. In a few days between my toes will develop a friendly community who enjoy mushrooms in my macerated epithelial cells of sweat produced in plastic shoes. The flies will settle upon him incessantly especially while eating. We are in the rainy season, four months a year during which the nature has to recover the remaining eight of inactivity during which drought and blazing sun struck down every vital impulse.
There are 35 degrees and humidity is crazy. Life! Especially for all those beings who occupy positions in the evolutionary chain of being tucked: below humans, so to speak. The latter instead you just have to sweat, But without their viability are affected minimally. One vehicle in careless piles battered, crushed against each other and the amount of baggage and live animals, bags of rice and bicycles on the roof and under the seats. Through the fibers of the clothes, the humidity of the bodies is mixed: shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh. In truth this condition develops a strong sense of social malaise that makes one forget the physical and existential, chatting amiably and lively with its neighbors and is rarely crossed frowning eyes, overshadowed faces, angry expressions. Here we go! But just because everyone in the van (and more) posts (venti!) are employed, and if today had not filled, we would wait until tomorrow.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
How To Get Rid Of Mild Alcohol Poisoning

Three thousand miles of red sand, baobab and muddy rivers, fields of millet, peanuts and city traffic and pollution, asphalt consumed and uneven tracks. Three weeks of scorching sun and overwhelming time.
Not being locked into a world of mountains, slopes, peaks and quotas have left the South to dive in the Other. We fell into the belly of the great Dark Continent to escape from our daily lives, looking for different ways of living the same life. From Dakar to Ouagadougou; through Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal, on foot, by taxi-brousse, bus, train. A long and slow (and not too short and fast) to have the time to look around, meet, get to know.
Two white drops into the sea black. The human essence is one, but many lives in countless ways. Another world really does exist and, perhaps, it is also possible.
A short excerpts from the diary, meanwhile http://elofasojo.blogspot.com
Friday, May 23, 2008
Low Soft Cervix 12 Dpo
continue regarding bestiary; Alpine but not limited to, the most widely mountain. And this time back to deal with bears if not more from a literary point of view. The chronicle of recent times, providing a basis for a broader discussion that touches the film, an area in which the plantigrade often plays the role of star, and not just in films such as comforters and soft Koda Brother Bear or L ' Bear .
To begin, the news.
05/21/2008, Gioia dei Marsi (AQ). 5 pounds of honey eaten by a bear near Marsicano the National Park of Abruzzo. Curious reaction beekeeper Franco Trojans at all troubled by the fact: "It is a tangible sign of the presence of plantigrade in our country: a heritage which must be safeguarded by all means to avoid the risk to extinguish the symbol of the Marsi. 05/22/2008
, high Seriana Val (BG). In a sheep 4 sheep are torn to pieces. In crossing the network of hair that remained, according to initial investigations, it would belong to a bear.
And a few days earlier, on May 17, Prato allo Stelvio (BZ) was held the international conference Living with the bear organized by the WWF, where they discussed the best practices for the prevention of damage caused by ' animal and the measure of compensation for those who have undergone the "theft".
At our latitudes, where nature has now been completely domesticated, we can afford to quibble about the fact that the bears are a heritage for the benefit of the environment and the dangers that this purely economic presence can cause to humans. But it is not the case everywhere. In other areas of the world such as Canada, Alaska and Siberia, the debate is very different proportions: the presence of bears is a threat to human life? The discussion is open, although there, to those who wander in the woods for a hike, you are strongly advised to carry a shotgun.
These questions gave an answer the great German director Werner Herzog in his documentary film Grizzly Man . It is the true story of Timothy Treadwell, a young American (a little 'borderline , actually) who spends his summers in Alaska looking at the grizzly and turning for hours and hours of footage to demonstrate that the bears are not a danger to men, but rather they are threatened by them. Unfortunately, after 13 years of life in the Great North in 2003, the protagonist is torn to pieces with his own girlfriend by a bear. Herzog's message that you have read the immense amount of footage of Treadwell and assembled them tell the story with his own voiceover, is that nature is basically evil and coexistence between humans and animals is based on an all-out fight. Not surprisingly, the bear that is guilty of the crime will be killed in turn by the friends of Treadwell.

The only form of self-defense taken by Russell is the pepper spray. His idea is that at most bears can be aggressive, never vicious. For the time has not yet been devoured Treadwell like, maybe never will be. A partnership between men and grizzly is possible? For some yes, some do not.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
How Long Can You Be In Military?

The return of the wolf can only be good news for the health of the mountains. Means that its habitat is still largely preserved and that the development of human activity does not hinder much the balance of nature. What is more amazing is how this large core is going to occupy precisely the Valle di Susa, one of the most-affected alpine areas, where between ski lifts, tourist facilities and infrastructure for roads seems to remain little room for the wilderness. But perhaps for this reason, if human activity is condensed in some areas - though very large - there are completely abandoned and wild areas where wolves are privacy and game to suit your needs and to support a rather large herd.
probably the shepherds will not agree, but it's really sad to see the image above. It is a matter of perception: the wolf is the social animal that hunts and lives in packs, which best represents the intelligence and sympathy. Although supportive, maternal enough to read the Book of the Jungle, or revive the legend of Romulus and Remus, raised by the wolf. The return of the mountains shows it in its most defenseless against the abuses of the human being perpetrated against the environment.
Who raises sheep probably has different feelings, even if it receives compensation for each animal killed by wolves. The pastors are forced to find new practical solutions to reorganize the work, if you watched the first mountain pastures every few days, should be monitored 24 hours a day 24. But know that the valleys are inhabited by wolves is an incalculable wealth is for our creativity, both for the welfare of the environment. The law of nature was reversed: the predator has become the victim. But the animal that represents the main danger for everyone is endowed with intelligence and compassion. Will he be able to exercise these qualities?
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Windows Xp Luna Red Theme

is the story of an adventure from which they originated so many stories that are separated, then twisted again, and again divided. At the time a thin web joining the Upper World, the Pays Plat and the Black Continent
primal need to go to the meeting seven years ago in a smoky apartment in Brussels, where the beer was flowing and abundant good humor and never failed to wash dishes . After that, we do not lose sight thanks to a long series of gatherings (random or guided by fate?) That marked the passing of time, even though each time it seems that nothing has changed. Someone has returned from Brussels, while others are left for disparate places: Bologna, Paris, Madrid, Benin, India, Burkina Faso. And every trip punctuated by new meeting: Brussels (always), Torino (several times), Bologna, Liguria, Stockholm, Dolomites, Alps of Provence.
Now the streets are back to pass each other, really and virtually, in a beautiful island that is not there. A place far away but close, ethereal but real, welcomed us and brought back together. The hosts are a Red Cross official and a video journalist (both from the small country at the heart of Europe) who have moved in Burkina Faso where have set up a very rich log book in which he describes the experiences, emotions, feelings and life in an environment so different, new and fascinating. Physically hosted the other protagonists of history, the High World visited them in the form of bits.
No one can say where they will review yet, but suggestions are welcome.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Cost Of Cataract Surgery In Noida

Went down to
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Will Iron Tablets Make My Poo Black?
History (with an "s" lower case) says that here, in 1897, took place the first trip on skis. The initiative was playing by a Swiss engineer, the legendary Adolfo Kind, who arrived in Turin to open a factory near the Po wicks He, an avid mountain had started to practice on snow-covered meadows of the Valentino Park in the use of two strange articles of wood that never before had seen in Italy: ski that Kind had become a mandate from Norway. After the first exercises in the city and the hills of Turin (apparently it was snowing then more than now), it was time to expand the range of excursions and experience the tools for the first time in the mountains. The choice fell on Sangone Valley to the vicinity and above all because at that time there was a train commuter from Via Sacchi, on the corner Corso Sommeiller, brought up to Giaveno. From there, just a few steps to leave the country and reach the Pra Fieul, the slopes of Eagle Point, where slopes and slopes allowed climbs, curves and descents more advanced than anyone could do in Turin.
Later, with the advent of the automobile playgrounds for skiers in Turin is extended considerably, but the Eagle was always one of the most beaten. The basis for the trips moved upward until the village of Maddalena (741 m), easily accessible by wheel loaders, which considerably shortened the climb up to 2155 m. summit. It was still the era of the skins, but true seal, for the better-off and strips of burlap tied under the skis for the poor.
In the 60s the development of winter tourism also suffered a drastic acceleration in this valley child. It was the era of on-piste skiing, the fun of the descent from which destroyed the uphill effort to other areas evicting those who from then on were called cross country skiing. Higher Maddalene, Colombino Alpe (1261 m), modern ski facilities were built: a mega-hotel (for the parameters of Sangone Val), baby and futuristic chair lift leading to the tip of the Lese (1857 m .) long before that series of short terraces and toe slopes that lead to L'Aquila. One wonders if it was the decrease in snow and rising temperatures that forced the skiers to climb higher with the car, or whether it was the use of cars to cause the raising of the snowline. In any case, we have entered a vicious circle.
is already dark when we reach the car park outside the hotel, the first and only modern building looming over the valley below. A wooden shed still bears the sign "Sangone Valley Ski Club." On the one hand we can see the track of the baby, just beyond the snow-covered road that we take part directed upwards. The moon has not yet arisen, but the lights of the hotel guide us along the hairpin turns on hard snow and ice. Soon we reach the ridge, followed by a flat beam, leads to the large amphitheater below the tip of the Lese. Meanwhile, the moon rose and lit the masts of the chair, points of an imaginary line that runs along the maximum gradient of the slope. The dim lighting casts a sinister light on the entire valley. The metal frames are rusty because of disuse, is located high in the arrival station completely abandoned. We drive through the suburbs of the post-industrial, here we find a scene from the post-tourist. After several winters of snow and greedy because of the development of ski areas swirling "branded" the broader valleys, the small station was forced to close. Now the slopes of Eagle Point are back to being a fertile ground for ski touring and snowshoeing are not afraid that the effort of the climb. It is also recommended strong-minded non-depressed in the face of this massacre. I almost you better come at night.
continue beyond the arrival of the lift, the last stretch is along a small sharp crest that leads to the cross. From backpacks come out good sandwiches, bottles of wine and a cake out of season. Now the moon is high in the sky and it will light up the slope to the valley which ends at the bar The Big Ben. On our way we lived on a Saturday evening dedicated evasion before returning to the world that belongs to us, made of English pubs and shopping malls.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
How To Move A Queen Size Bed Using Uhaul
ran the credits and the emotions unleashed by the pictures, the mixed sleep caused by the late hour, I had left inert in the chair of film with his eyes still fixed on the screen. The writing went quickly, but - I am sure - the words "P. Levi "and" Bear Meat "I read them. It was a passing lightning and unconscious, to the memory directly from the retina, bypassing the rational consciousness.
The bear meat is a topical subject in the story Iron Primo Levi's The Periodic Table content will . It is those experiences strong and "extreme" in which we hunt when the strength and boldness of the young age lead us to our limits as possible. Specifically, the two protagonists miscalculated the time in the history of mountain climbing and find themselves having to bivouac on the banks of a frozen pond.
- And to get off?
- To go down we will see, - he replied, and added mysteriously - the worst that can happen is to taste the flesh of the bear -. Well, the taste, the meat of the bear in the course of that night, we found that long. "
Iron is Sandra, a fellow University of the First: "... it was bound to the iron from a former relationship: the fathers of his fathers, he told me, were tinkers and blacksmiths ... In the winter, when he attacked the dry ski tied to the rusty bicycle, left early, and pedaled up to the snow, without money, and the other with a pocket full of artichoke salad: then returned in the evening or the next day, sleeping in barns, and more storms and hunger he had suffered, more was better and was glad to health. "
The fact that in the movie Into the Wild has mentioned this story seemed to me very much in line with the story of Christopher McCandless who, out of a desire for adventure and freedom, he died alone in a school bus abandoned in the wilderness of ' Alaska, after two years of wandering for America. It only remained to examine how the meat of the bear has come to Alexander Supertramp.
Jon Krakauer's book, from which the film is based, in meticulously reconstructing the whole story, Primo Levi is not mentioned. The search becomes more complicated, but Google runs to the rescue of the curious. It turns out that Bear meat is the title of a story published in The New Yorker cultural magazine in January 2007 and released in the compilation of texts of Levi A tranquil star , published in the United States during the same period.
We can only assume (but it's nice to think that way) that Sean Penn has already read the story while working on the film, and it remained so fascinated to want to insert a citation. Only the sensitivity of some men can give a story that inexhaustible force that makes the current in every time and everywhere. They are the slender threads of imagination and fantasy of the subtle links that lead from Primo Levi to Sean Penn, Sandro Christopher McCandless.
"This was the meat of the bear: and now, that many years have passed, I regret having eaten little since, of all that life has given me good, did nothing, even remotely, the taste of the meat, which is taste of being strong and free, free even to make mistakes, and masters of their destiny .
Primo Levi, The Periodic , Einaudi 1975
Jon Krakauer, In extreme lands , 1998 Corbaccio
P. Levi, Iron in mountain stories edited by David Long, Einaudi 2007