ride in motion
Ouagadougou is a city of two wheels. Here, back in '59 was organized the first edition of the Tour du Burkina Faso (then Upper Volta) in which he participated even Fausto Coppi who contracted malaria and then death a few weeks later. And after almost fifty years later, the paved roads (few) and red sand (most) are still crossed by thousands of bicycles without brakes though, since the Campionissimo appeared scooters and popping sfumacchianti.
I find myself riding the 80cc Yamaha. Joffrey, immersed in this busy river of debris along the narrow side lane reserved for bicycles of all kinds. It is an extreme experience for those who are here for just two days, but unfortunately I have no choice. Tomorrow we leave for Mali, I have not yet seen, and Jo is busy at work all day. On a piece of paper I scribbled the outline of a plan that would lead me to the embassy; pat on the shoulder, bonne chance! and I find myself alone in an unknown African capital, on board a motorbike with three-speed oval and twisted the front wheel and with minimal bass that makes me switch off, incidentally, always when the green traffic light is coming. Those behind start honking and dodging last time. Enveloped in a cloud of black smoke try the crowds, I kick the lever, the first and do riinfilo gas just before the yellow.
followed until I reach the embassy, \u200b\u200bfilling out forms and leave the passport.
- "You must go pick it up in the 14 and 15."
In the meantime I decided to go for a stroll downtown, now I got to know the roads. Place des Cinéastes here where I've been yesterday, but on foot. I have to turn right. Yellow light! Pass the same! Policeman! Stop me!! Shit !!!!!
- "Do you know who has passed a red light?"
- '(With humble expression and guilty) I'm mortified, I did not noticed, are not here and I was focused on the way to go ... and it was still yellow. "
- 'scooter parking here. Must present a fine and the documents of the middle of the police headquarters after 15. Pay a fine of 6000 francs CFA (about 9 Euro Ed) and will be returned. "
(to myself) And now as I do?! I have not the faintest idea where the headquarters of the police, I do not have the documents of the bike, maybe even Joffrey gave them to us and still comes back 'later tonight, tomorrow we leave and do not have time to collect my passport. A mixed feeling of despair and panic leads me to curse fate. But how the hell is this possible? On the streets Ouaga of moving scooters with four people on board, car held together by welds clear improvised offset vans loaded with people. And I seize the vehicle because I went with the yellow? In Africa?
- "Excuse me, but I could not pay the fine directly to you? You know, are Ouaga for two days, do not know where the headquarters of the police ... "
-" Ce n'est pas possible . "
I even found the incorruptible cop! In Africa!
- "Please, my friend's scooter is my host, he is at work and I can not contact, tomorrow we leave for a long trip, I gotta go pick up my passport to the embassy of Mali. If I pay the fine now, she lets me shoot and ends here! What do you say? "
-" If you pay the fine to me, I can not issue a receipt. "
What the fuck do I care of the receipt, I need the bike! (I think only)
- "Look for me a receipt is not a problem, you think that in Italy never ask your sales receipt."
- "Okay, give me money too, avec discrétion ."
turned the corner, so as not to attract attention and pull out your wallet. I only have one ticket from 10,000 francs, but fortunately there is a boy who sells cigarettes, buy the Excellence, the most expensive. Rightly has the rest, it's like if you enter a tobacconist with a 500 euro note. Parties to seek and disappeared with my money ... but soon returns with smaller bills and a handful of coins. It took a little exception to Murphy's Law. Pago
the cop and I'm shaky and it seems wrong with the wheel drunk and agitation that makes me tremble in his arms.
I bribed a cop honest?
Ouagadougou is a city of two wheels. Here, back in '59 was organized the first edition of the Tour du Burkina Faso (then Upper Volta) in which he participated even Fausto Coppi who contracted malaria and then death a few weeks later. And after almost fifty years later, the paved roads (few) and red sand (most) are still crossed by thousands of bicycles without brakes though, since the Campionissimo appeared scooters and popping sfumacchianti.
I find myself riding the 80cc Yamaha. Joffrey, immersed in this busy river of debris along the narrow side lane reserved for bicycles of all kinds. It is an extreme experience for those who are here for just two days, but unfortunately I have no choice. Tomorrow we leave for Mali, I have not yet seen, and Jo is busy at work all day. On a piece of paper I scribbled the outline of a plan that would lead me to the embassy; pat on the shoulder, bonne chance! and I find myself alone in an unknown African capital, on board a motorbike with three-speed oval and twisted the front wheel and with minimal bass that makes me switch off, incidentally, always when the green traffic light is coming. Those behind start honking and dodging last time. Enveloped in a cloud of black smoke try the crowds, I kick the lever, the first and do riinfilo gas just before the yellow.
followed until I reach the embassy, \u200b\u200bfilling out forms and leave the passport.
- "You must go pick it up in the 14 and 15."
In the meantime I decided to go for a stroll downtown, now I got to know the roads. Place des Cinéastes here where I've been yesterday, but on foot. I have to turn right. Yellow light! Pass the same! Policeman! Stop me!! Shit !!!!!
- "Do you know who has passed a red light?"
- '(With humble expression and guilty) I'm mortified, I did not noticed, are not here and I was focused on the way to go ... and it was still yellow. "
- 'scooter parking here. Must present a fine and the documents of the middle of the police headquarters after 15. Pay a fine of 6000 francs CFA (about 9 Euro Ed) and will be returned. "
(to myself) And now as I do?! I have not the faintest idea where the headquarters of the police, I do not have the documents of the bike, maybe even Joffrey gave them to us and still comes back 'later tonight, tomorrow we leave and do not have time to collect my passport. A mixed feeling of despair and panic leads me to curse fate. But how the hell is this possible? On the streets Ouaga of moving scooters with four people on board, car held together by welds clear improvised offset vans loaded with people. And I seize the vehicle because I went with the yellow? In Africa?
- "Excuse me, but I could not pay the fine directly to you? You know, are Ouaga for two days, do not know where the headquarters of the police ... "
-" Ce n'est pas possible . "
I even found the incorruptible cop! In Africa!
- "Please, my friend's scooter is my host, he is at work and I can not contact, tomorrow we leave for a long trip, I gotta go pick up my passport to the embassy of Mali. If I pay the fine now, she lets me shoot and ends here! What do you say? "
-" If you pay the fine to me, I can not issue a receipt. "
What the fuck do I care of the receipt, I need the bike! (I think only)
- "Look for me a receipt is not a problem, you think that in Italy never ask your sales receipt."
- "Okay, give me money too, avec discrétion ."
turned the corner, so as not to attract attention and pull out your wallet. I only have one ticket from 10,000 francs, but fortunately there is a boy who sells cigarettes, buy the Excellence, the most expensive. Rightly has the rest, it's like if you enter a tobacconist with a 500 euro note. Parties to seek and disappeared with my money ... but soon returns with smaller bills and a handful of coins. It took a little exception to Murphy's Law. Pago
the cop and I'm shaky and it seems wrong with the wheel drunk and agitation that makes me tremble in his arms.
I bribed a cop honest?
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