I promised a great "logbook" in anticipation of the large expatriate and instead of less than 56, when it officially began countdown, I have not had a moment to breathe, I was left with just eight days left in which, incidentally, I have a billion and a half things to do.
If I were to summarize in a few words as soon as the days passed without a doubt I'd use the following: "stand-by stoned exacerbated by an uncontrollable increase in decibels with manifest signs of insanity and alternating states of mood." In one word: crazy!!
If I were asked also to describe the days spent by referring to objects that have made the most part, I would immediately think of a division into stages with a single constant: the suitcases.
The first phase of the call: Gorm. The
gormiti, air, earth, water and volcano has kept me company for most days since. All or almost all around me, appeared to be plagued by the presence of these small, fanciful puppets with names unlikely. First the little man of the house that, except for a brief revival in the land of carnival Power Rangers, waking up every morning I wished a good morning with a heavy "Vuulcaaaannnnuuuuuus, I will defeat you with my" bucazioni "piercing that freezing the fire does not go out because you can fly and shoot flaming balls of water (do not ask or how to ask). " After that, the little princess wild with its little steps still too uncertain, I followed him with roars of the volume of which was directly proportional to the quantity of dolls on hand.
So far there is nothing unusual except that some adults also began to suffer from split personality by discovering the Gorm which lived in him by name even more unlikely. And so I discovered that we even have a family tree "Gormita piritus" and a "Gormiti solleticus. Was missing a "Gormiti cacculus and a pus" to vomit until landing on Canadian soil. Needless to say how difficult the task was not to disperse in the land of Gorm spent four years trying to make a baby a civil and a little vulgar creature. During
"Gormiti" there was always the case. We have changed three houses, once took the bus to move from one city to another (I never wanted to experience that again after forcing 40 passengers to hear 100 times "I am soooogniii desiiiideeeeriiii of feeeeliiiicitàààà ..." in vain attempt that the small-Gormita Cinderella took sleeping), fulfills many duties in the forthcoming departure and done and unpacked a dozen times.
The days are spent in this way and so while the folders of documents were filled with leaves collected on the right and left, my phone rang almost always in vain in the hope that I answered, my throat and my ears were going haywire again in 100 to 200 times the phrases: "Children calm down. Get off the chair. Get off the table. Do not quarrel. Game of hands, playing villains. Baaaasta. Baaaaaastaaaa. Baaaaaaaaaaastaaaaaaa "
At one point, I could not indicate the exact chronological time in Gormita piritus has been replaced by something in the eyes of a naive mother undertook to organize the expatriation of the century might seem like a simple ball. Something halfway between a table tennis ball (which you can also call table tennis ping pong, but always is!) And a vulgar ball.
It looked like a ball. That little ball was in fact just like an oyster could do a pearl of the universe. A universe of names even more strange, those who can not remember, type: brick gate for a game that reminds you of the similarities of the most famous Bill but, alas, does not make you earn a penny.
For those who have not had the pleasure of knowing, we are talking about BAKUGAN!! Hence the name of the second phase.
The differences between the first and the second would not be very many if not these fucking balls, as well as little monsters, hidden within them even smaller magnets can be rimbecillire even the most patient of parents. The screams described above, therefore, have been added phrases such as "I can not find my bakugan !!!"," Seek "," but I can not find! E 'fallen under the fridge and not find it anymore "So, here is six adults with crazy asses bridge to find a bakugan under the refrigerator, armed with wooden spoon in a vain attempt to detach from the base of the refrigerator more than a ball a deaf old AIS has not the slightest intention to break away from the only screw that holds the entire system. A couple of times I wanted to be like that AIS.
Or worse still, watching the child sitting at the table complained about having lost her precious friend and not being able to understand what there is wrong with that picture of your child, which should instead be familiar only to find that it is normal that the stainless steel fork and popped a mega Porretto bakugan ... Found!
And meanwhile the days have flown up to the February 25, the date on which the vaccine was expected for months, the last of the little princess vaccine: MMR + V. One might wonder why they decided to split quell'acronimo adding a silly sign +. E 'in the cross that holds the secret mystery. The doctors did not tell you that for fear that it may decide not to submit to the small injection.
That's not a +, but a real cross. It 's a sign, a symbol of how your life might take a turn for the worse in 15 (fifteen days) following the administration of the vaccine. First, to explain it is that MMR Measles, Mumps and Rubella. + Stands for the cross and V is for Varicella.
Svegliatami after just three hours of sleep, I loaded the kids in the car (always the case below) to go to Palermo, in the middle vaccines to be more exact. Here is a lovely woman in her fifties, before bringing the little princess in her early trauma, he explained pretty well what we are going to do. Then, laughing in his sleeve, he added that within 15 days (as well as no! ") Could have been present following symptoms: fever, irritability, lack of appetite, joint pain, dots scattered throughout the body. Finally: "If you were to check the pustolina on the side of the varicella vaccine, knowing that the child is contagious!" Well. Among gormiti, bakugan, suitcases and mileage as if nothing had happened, my naive little brain has decided to dwell on one phrase, "as well as no!"
spent the first week, even in the midst of the madness described at length, I took a first sigh of relief. However, as my sighs of relief similar to the Aboriginal boomerang, so here I found myself on the whole weight of those words unconsciously avoided. The days are so different and yet all the same were complemented by an almost sleepless night the first of the small sacrifice. In order have sprung up: the febbriciattola, joint pain, resulting in irritability, a series of dots around the face of color and different sizes and last but not least, the varicella PUSTOLINA!! Fuck! The child is not only contagious but also has stomach problems!
And here I am, just over 5 minutes, less than eight days from start to share this relaxing parentheses waiting for the big adventure begins well for us. Who do you imagine me in a water aerobics class, a massage, and a "fancazzismo" spread knows that life has confirmed to me a great lesson: "Never make plans for the worst because there is no end and the ways of providence are endless."
If I were to summarize in a few words as soon as the days passed without a doubt I'd use the following: "stand-by stoned exacerbated by an uncontrollable increase in decibels with manifest signs of insanity and alternating states of mood." In one word: crazy!!
If I were asked also to describe the days spent by referring to objects that have made the most part, I would immediately think of a division into stages with a single constant: the suitcases.
The first phase of the call: Gorm. The
gormiti, air, earth, water and volcano has kept me company for most days since. All or almost all around me, appeared to be plagued by the presence of these small, fanciful puppets with names unlikely. First the little man of the house that, except for a brief revival in the land of carnival Power Rangers, waking up every morning I wished a good morning with a heavy "Vuulcaaaannnnuuuuuus, I will defeat you with my" bucazioni "piercing that freezing the fire does not go out because you can fly and shoot flaming balls of water (do not ask or how to ask). " After that, the little princess wild with its little steps still too uncertain, I followed him with roars of the volume of which was directly proportional to the quantity of dolls on hand.
So far there is nothing unusual except that some adults also began to suffer from split personality by discovering the Gorm which lived in him by name even more unlikely. And so I discovered that we even have a family tree "Gormita piritus" and a "Gormiti solleticus. Was missing a "Gormiti cacculus and a pus" to vomit until landing on Canadian soil. Needless to say how difficult the task was not to disperse in the land of Gorm spent four years trying to make a baby a civil and a little vulgar creature. During
"Gormiti" there was always the case. We have changed three houses, once took the bus to move from one city to another (I never wanted to experience that again after forcing 40 passengers to hear 100 times "I am soooogniii desiiiideeeeriiii of feeeeliiiicitàààà ..." in vain attempt that the small-Gormita Cinderella took sleeping), fulfills many duties in the forthcoming departure and done and unpacked a dozen times.
The days are spent in this way and so while the folders of documents were filled with leaves collected on the right and left, my phone rang almost always in vain in the hope that I answered, my throat and my ears were going haywire again in 100 to 200 times the phrases: "Children calm down. Get off the chair. Get off the table. Do not quarrel. Game of hands, playing villains. Baaaasta. Baaaaaastaaaa. Baaaaaaaaaaastaaaaaaa "
At one point, I could not indicate the exact chronological time in Gormita piritus has been replaced by something in the eyes of a naive mother undertook to organize the expatriation of the century might seem like a simple ball. Something halfway between a table tennis ball (which you can also call table tennis ping pong, but always is!) And a vulgar ball.
It looked like a ball. That little ball was in fact just like an oyster could do a pearl of the universe. A universe of names even more strange, those who can not remember, type: brick gate for a game that reminds you of the similarities of the most famous Bill but, alas, does not make you earn a penny.
For those who have not had the pleasure of knowing, we are talking about BAKUGAN!! Hence the name of the second phase.
The differences between the first and the second would not be very many if not these fucking balls, as well as little monsters, hidden within them even smaller magnets can be rimbecillire even the most patient of parents. The screams described above, therefore, have been added phrases such as "I can not find my bakugan !!!"," Seek "," but I can not find! E 'fallen under the fridge and not find it anymore "So, here is six adults with crazy asses bridge to find a bakugan under the refrigerator, armed with wooden spoon in a vain attempt to detach from the base of the refrigerator more than a ball a deaf old AIS has not the slightest intention to break away from the only screw that holds the entire system. A couple of times I wanted to be like that AIS.
Or worse still, watching the child sitting at the table complained about having lost her precious friend and not being able to understand what there is wrong with that picture of your child, which should instead be familiar only to find that it is normal that the stainless steel fork and popped a mega Porretto bakugan ... Found!
And meanwhile the days have flown up to the February 25, the date on which the vaccine was expected for months, the last of the little princess vaccine: MMR + V. One might wonder why they decided to split quell'acronimo adding a silly sign +. E 'in the cross that holds the secret mystery. The doctors did not tell you that for fear that it may decide not to submit to the small injection.
That's not a +, but a real cross. It 's a sign, a symbol of how your life might take a turn for the worse in 15 (fifteen days) following the administration of the vaccine. First, to explain it is that MMR Measles, Mumps and Rubella. + Stands for the cross and V is for Varicella.
Svegliatami after just three hours of sleep, I loaded the kids in the car (always the case below) to go to Palermo, in the middle vaccines to be more exact. Here is a lovely woman in her fifties, before bringing the little princess in her early trauma, he explained pretty well what we are going to do. Then, laughing in his sleeve, he added that within 15 days (as well as no! ") Could have been present following symptoms: fever, irritability, lack of appetite, joint pain, dots scattered throughout the body. Finally: "If you were to check the pustolina on the side of the varicella vaccine, knowing that the child is contagious!" Well. Among gormiti, bakugan, suitcases and mileage as if nothing had happened, my naive little brain has decided to dwell on one phrase, "as well as no!"
spent the first week, even in the midst of the madness described at length, I took a first sigh of relief. However, as my sighs of relief similar to the Aboriginal boomerang, so here I found myself on the whole weight of those words unconsciously avoided. The days are so different and yet all the same were complemented by an almost sleepless night the first of the small sacrifice. In order have sprung up: the febbriciattola, joint pain, resulting in irritability, a series of dots around the face of color and different sizes and last but not least, the varicella PUSTOLINA!! Fuck! The child is not only contagious but also has stomach problems!
And here I am, just over 5 minutes, less than eight days from start to share this relaxing parentheses waiting for the big adventure begins well for us. Who do you imagine me in a water aerobics class, a massage, and a "fancazzismo" spread knows that life has confirmed to me a great lesson: "Never make plans for the worst because there is no end and the ways of providence are endless."
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